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Knowledge Hub / Essential School Supplies for College in 2024
Essential School Supplies for College in 2024

Essential School Supplies for College in 2024

Paying for College
ELFI | June 20, 2024
Essential School Supplies for College in 2024

College is such an exciting experience, filled with new opportunities and challenges. Having the right tools to succeed can make all the difference as you prepare to make the most of the journey ahead.

Whether you’re a freshman embarking on your first year or a seasoned student gearing up for another semester, you should know that having the necessary school supplies at hand is crucial for staying organized, studying efficiently, and tackling new endeavors.

But hey, college is also expensive, so as fun as back-to-school shopping can be, let’s try to be economical. Here are our top must-haves to add to your college packing list—within budget!

11 College School Supplies You’ll Need This Year

Marking your textbooks with adhesive page markers will make your studying efforts much more efficient. Use different colors to indicate certain topic points for easy reference.

1. Laptop ($379-$1,249) or Tablet ($150-$339)

A reliable laptop or tablet is a non-negotiable for college life. It will be your primary tool for taking notes, completing assignments, conducting research, and staying connected with professors and classmates.

With any device, you have a number of choices available, so before buying for brand name or price alone, arm yourself with a list of requirements based on the course load ahead. Will you be attending classes online or streaming videos to follow along with the curriculum? Will you need to download software in order to meet the criteria of your assignments? Is battery life a priority because you have back-to-back classes? Knowing the answers to these kinds of questions may help guide you to the right fit.

Remember to look for student specials, and don’t forget that there are lots of programs with reliable second-hand or refurbished devices to help accommodate your budget! Consult your college or university’s student center or library, too, to see if they lend or rent devices if you want to put off this purchase.

Prices listed based on average new products before tax, additional devices, or software.

2. Notebooks ($1-$10)

Despite the prevalence of digital note-taking, having physical notebooks or note paper is often helpful for jotting down ideas, sketching diagrams, or solving problems during class. Some teachers do not allow the use of technology in their class, so it is good to have a back up to take with you.

Most notebooks are inexpensive, and it’s wise to keep an extra or two on hand for various needs that may arise during the semester.

3. Pens, Pencils, and Highlighters ($5-25)

With note paper comes something to take notes with! Be sure to stock up on a variety of writing utensils to suit different tasks and professor preferences.

Writing things by hand, especially while studying, can also have a marked impact on studying effectively. According to a recent study, handwriting can connect and activate key parts of the brain that have been linked to improved memory and learning. Really, this purchase pays for itself if it leads to better grades!

4. Folders and/or Binders ($5-$12)

Even if you’re not big on taking hand-written notes, you’re sure to get a hefty amount of class materials either in a handout or a printable online format. Keeping these materials organized for each course will inevitably save you time and frustration, and folders or binders can be worthwhile and inexpensive tools to help you do so. Do yourself a favor by keeping those important papers from getting lost and keeping them at hand for when you need to review materials for a paper or exam.

5. Backpack or Tote Bag ($20-$90.00)

A sturdy and comfortable bag to carry all these school supplies is an invaluable investment. Laptops, books, and other essentials can get heavy, and you may have to cross campus more than once in a day of classes. Get in those steps with the help of a bag that will help you carry all of those important papers and expensive devices from point A to B. If you treat it right, it may last you throughout your college years!

Prices listed based on average new products before tax, shipping, or personalization.

6. Planner ($14-$36)

There are many ways to stay on top of deadlines, assignments, and extracurricular activities. Many choose to use calendar or reminder apps on their everyday devices, but if this doesn’t meet your needs, we recommend using a planner or calendar to manage your time more effectively. Write down important deadlines and dates, create to-do lists, and schedule study sessions in advance to help you stay on top of your week, your upcoming breaks, and the semester’s big picture.

7. Index Cards ($1-5)

Index cards make for handy flashcards when studying for exams or memorizing key concepts. They’re portable, versatile, and perfect for quizzing yourself or reviewing material on the go. Of course, you can use apps or websites like Quizlet to make yourself a digital version, but remember that writing things out by hand gives you a head start on remembering those key pieces of information!

8. Sticky Notes ($2-15)

Sometimes you need something colorful to highlight a stray thought and remind yourself about it later. Enter sticky notes.

Keep track of important reminders, mark pages in textbooks, or jot down those brilliant epiphanies with the help of a pack of Post-Its. You can even color code according to course or project! They’re handy and, if used right, will help you stay organized.

9. Calculator ($70-$165)

Depending on your major or course requirements, you may need more than a basic calculator to complete your assignments or take exams. Math, science, and business courses may come with recommended calculator models for this purpose. Like many other devices, you’ll likely be able to find one second-hand, especially from other students who no longer need theirs. However, you may find that having one or your own is beneficial if you need it for multiple courses.

Prices listed based on average new products before tax, shipping, or downloadable tools. 

10. Flash Drive

You never know when a computer might crash, a portal might freeze, or you get locked out of your school email. Backing up your important files and projects is a proactive measure against those moments of disaster mid-semester. A flash drive is a convenient way to keep your documents available between devices or to print assignments on campus. It’s also a good safety measure to begin practicing when it comes to more personal or sensitive information.

11. Headphones

Block out distractions and stay focused while studying or attending virtual lectures with a pair of quality headphones or buds. Considering the advancements in noise-canceling devices, you can basically clear out background noise when you need clarity of mind. This helps ensure that you can get work done in whatever environment: dorm, library, coffee house, or outside.

Bonus: Make the Most of Your Resources

Student loans can be used for more than just tuition. School supplies, like books or housing costs, are educational expenses that are covered by most loan types. If you’re worried about how these supplies may add up throughout your college career, consider budgeting a portion of your loan amount toward essentials such as the ones we’ve covered here.

Keep in mind, too, that most colleges and universities have a certain amount of supplies that you can borrow or use at any given time, though they may require booking in advance. Explore the resources available to you on and off campus as a student. You may be surprised at how many can save you time or money!