Why Your Student Loan Balance Keeps Going Up
You’ve been diligently making payments toward your student loans for months, so you check your…
Choosing the Right Student Loan Refinance Terms
The potential benefits of student loan refinancing are well-known: lower monthly payments, a better interest…
How Much Student Loan Debt Is Too Much?
It’s no secret that student loan debt has been on the increase in the United…
Fastest Ways to Lower Your Debt to Income Ratio
Lenders use a number of metrics to determine what kind of rates a borrower is…
3 Reasons to Set Up Student Loan Autopay
Balancing life, work, family, friends, and mundane tasks, such as paying bills, takes a lot…
How Does Student Loan Refinancing Work?
Over the past few years, student loan interest rates have fluctuated significantly. Depending on when…
Can Your Student Loans Impact Your Child Tax Credit?
Defaulting on federal student loans is fairly common. The Pew Research Center reported that about…
Education Loan Finance Surpasses $2 Billion in Student Loan Refinancing
View Official Press Release KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Education Loan Finance (ELFI), a…
How to Pay for Graduate School
Figuring out how to pay for grad school without loans can take some work. Most…