Switching Your Student Loan Servicer
Your student loan servicer is the company that is responsible for managing your student loans.…
How Student Loans Can Be Used
When you get a student loan, the expectation is that you will use the money…
7 Student Debt Mistakes That Can Throw Off Your Financial Plan
For borrowers with educational debt, student loan mistakes are both common and costly, both when…
Financial Aid for Adopted and Foster Care Students
Children who are adopted or in foster care may find it more difficult to pay…
What Is a No-Interest Student Loan?
They might seem too good to be true, but student loans with no interest do…
Can You Pay Off Student Loans With a Personal Loan?
Can I use a personal loan to pay off student loans? This may be a…
Student Loan Refunds Explained
Student loans can provide much-needed help in paying for college. But tuition and fees aren’t…
Should You Pay Down Your Student Loans During College?
Depending on the type of student loans you have, it might make sense to make…
Top Financial Aid Questions to Ask
One of the deciding factors you may consider when choosing a college or graduate school…