Should You Pay Down Your Student Loans During College?
Depending on the type of student loans you have, it might make sense to make…
Scholarships for Graduate Students
The cost of graduate school varies by program and academic institution, but students can typically…
Top Financial Aid Questions to Ask
One of the deciding factors you may consider when choosing a college or graduate school…
Starting a Medical Private Practice With Student Loan Debt
After graduating from medical or dental school, you may be considering the possibility of starting…
Can You Give Away Your Student Loans?
Note: Education Loan Finance only allows the transferring of parent loans to their child through…
Student Loan Cash-Out Refinancing: Pros and Cons
What do student loan balances and home prices have to do with one another? If…
What Happens to Student Loans if You Move Abroad?
One of the most attractive aspects of moving abroad is the opportunity to leave your…
Understanding Capitalized Interest and How to Avoid It
When you borrow money for school, interest starts accruing right away on most loans. But…
7 Smart Alternatives to Parent PLUS Loans
As a parent, you naturally want to help your child as much as possible. That…