Why You Need Life Insurance With a Student Loan Cosigner
Student loans have become a part of the educational landscape, with 65% of today’s college…
Should Parents Pay for College? Pros & Cons
As the parent of a college-aged child, you may have wondered, “Should parents pay for…
Should You Lease or Buy a Car When You Have Student Loans?
Student loans can affect all aspects of your financial life, including your decision to get…
Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Student Loans
When you begin college and encounter the financial aspects of paying for school, you’ll likely…
How to Claim the Student Loan Interest Tax Deduction
Student loan debt continues to burden millions of Americans, with the Federal Reserve reporting that…
How to Take Out Student Loans Without a Cosigner
Borrowing student loans can be helpful to cover your educational expenses. One big decision, however,…
Should I Pay Student Loans with a Credit Card?
Paying off student loans can be a challenging process, so it’s natural to look for…
Should You Save, Invest or Pay Off Student Loans?
One of the questions many students grapple with as they begin life post-college is whether…
How Marriage Can Impact Your Student Loan Repayment Plan
For better and for worse, marriage can really change your financial situation. The tax bracket…