If you’re preparing to send your high school student off to college, you’ve probably thought a lot about financial aid. Federal financial aid is typically the best place to start when it comes to paying for school, and private student loans can help cover any gaps. To apply for federal financial aid, your child will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). But you’ll also need to provide some information on their behalf.
Check out our FAFSA guide for parents to learn more about what the FAFSA is, how it works, and what information you need to complete it.
When Should You Submit the FAFSA?
Typically, the FAFSA becomes available on October 1st, and you’ll need to submit it by June 30th of the following year. But it’s smart to complete it early, as doing so may help your child access more financial aid opportunities. Your family will need to submit the FAFSA each academic year you’re seeking federal financial aid.
Even if your child doesn’t need financial aid for school, college admissions officers still recommend completing the FAFSA. Certain college scholarships even require you to submit a FAFSA to be eligible.
Perks of Submitting the FAFSA Early
Some federal and state financial aid opportunities have limited funding awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, including Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG grants) and federal work-study programs. Because of this, it’s important to find out your prospective or current college’s priority deadline and submit your FAFSA application before that date.
While filing after the priority deadline won’t impact your child’s eligibility for federal student loans, they may miss out on federal, state, or institutional grants with limited funding. If you’re interested, you can learn more about the FAFSA application and additional benefits of completing the FAFSA early.
How Can Parents Get a FAFSA Login?
Wondering where to find the FAFSA login for parents? The U.S Department of Education replaced the Federal Student Aid PIN with the FSA ID in 2015. If you want to complete the FAFSA online, your FSA ID will be the username and password you use to log into studentaid.gov.
If your child is a dependent student and submits the FAFSA online, both you and your child will need to create an FSA ID. An FSA ID is required to sign the online FAFSA application, and you and your child cannot share an FSA ID since it serves as a signature and must be unique to each person. You can create your FSA ID here.
Can You Fill Out a Paper FAFSA?
Yes, you can fill out a paper FAFSA if you’d prefer not to submit one online. Rather than using the online FAFSA login for parents, you can opt to fill out a PDF version of the FAFSA and mail it to the Federal Student Aid Office.
What Documents Will You Need for the FAFSA?
When completing the FAFSA, your child will be asked for basic personal information as well as information about your family’s financial situation. Depending on your situation, you and your child may need the following documents for the FAFSA:
- Your child’s driver’s license and Social Security card
- Income tax returns from the prior-prior year (for example, 2023 tax returns for the 2025-2026 FAFSA)
- W-2 forms and other earnings records
- Current bank statements
- Records and documentation of other untaxed income received such as welfare benefits, Social Security income, veteran’s benefits, or military or clergy allowances
- Records of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments
- Current mortgage information
- Business or farm records (if applicable)
Compile these documents before the FAFSA becomes available on October 1st. Preparing ahead of time can help ensure your child’s FAFSA is filed early so they can get as much aid as possible.
What If Federal, State and Institutional Financial Aid Aren’t Enough to Cover Educational Costs?
While federal financial aid can help pay for college, sometimes it doesn’t cover the complete cost of school. To learn more about private student loans, contact ELFI for assistance. Our Student Loan Advisors are experts in helping parents and students get the loans they need to bridge the gap and cover other unexpected costs. Try ELFI’s private student loan calculator to view various loan options and determine the repayment plan that may be right for you.